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array(16) { ["id"]=> int(247) ["tarih"]=> string(19) "2022-10-17 17:30:00" ["gorselbuyuk"]=> string(39) "202210171732191666017139gorselbuyuk.jpg" ["gorselkucuk"]=> string(39) "202210171732191666017139gorselkucuk.jpg" ["gorselgizli"]=> int(0) ["tip"]=> int(1) ["aktif"]=> int(1) ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["fixed"]=> int(0) ["pageid"]=> int(176) ["lang"]=> string(2) "en" ["baslik"]=> string(60) "Our CEO İdris Küpeli attended the "Capital Markets Forum"." ["gorselalttag"]=> string(0) "" ["giris"]=> string(243) "Our CEO İdris Küpeli participated in the "Capital Markets Forum" organized by Bloomberg. Speaking on the panel titled "The Path towards a Green Economy", İdris Küpeli expressed his views on the future of Turkey's economy and green energy. " ["icerik"]=> string(900) "

Our CEO İdris Küpeli participated in the "Capital Markets Forum" organized by Bloomberg. Speaking on the panel titled "The Path towards a Green Economy", İdris Küpeli expressed his views on the future of Turkey's economy and green energy. He emphasized the positive role that energy companies have played in accelerating the transformation of the sector in recent years, underlining the need to increase the efficiency of our renewable generation while at the same time securing energy supply. Küpeli praised the resilience and adaptability of Turkey's energy companies in every possible situation and shared the example of Turkey's largest green bond issued by Aydem Renewable Energy, worth 750 million dollars. You can watch the event by registering via this link.


" ["pdf"]=> NULL }

Our CEO İdris Küpeli attended the "Capital Markets Forum".

Our CEO İdris Küpeli attended the "Capital Markets Forum".

Our CEO İdris Küpeli participated in the "Capital Markets Forum" organized by Bloomberg. Speaking on the panel titled "The Path towards a Green Economy", İdris Küpeli expressed his views on the future of Turkey's economy and green energy. He emphasized the positive role that energy companies have played in accelerating the transformation of the sector in recent years, underlining the need to increase the efficiency of our renewable generation while at the same time securing energy supply. Küpeli praised the resilience and adaptability of Turkey's energy companies in every possible situation and shared the example of Turkey's largest green bond issued by Aydem Renewable Energy, worth 750 million dollars. You can watch the event by registering via this link.