Aydem Equal Life
At Aydem Energy; we believe that women and men, girls and boys should benefit from rights, resources and opportunities fully and equally, and should share the responsibilities in life in an equal manner. We want the presence of women in social and economic life to be empowered and their rate of participation in the workforce to be increased.
We carry out our studies focused on social gender equality in the fields of diversity and inclusion with our initiative titled “Aydem Equal Life”. Our Aydem Equal Life initiative, which had started its activities in 2020, having received the full support of the Board of Directors with its volunteer team consisting of Aydem employees working in our group companies located at different cities, keeps up its efforts for the transformation of the culture, organization, training, recruitment processes and the physical conditions in our companies as well as the internal and external messages, with the gender equality, in other words, gender mainstreaming approach.
With the online meetings we organize and hold every month, we come together with distinguished academics, activists and business people and discuss the concepts of gender equality from different perspectives.
Through our periodic communication studies, we share awareness-raising content with our employees and we include such messages in all our fields of activity. In all our marketing and communication activities, we perform work by placing sensitivity on diversity and inclusivity.
In order to raise awareness on gender equality among all Aydem employees, we organize and hold trainings with our volunteer trainers, who have been trained within the body of Aydem Academy. We have reached more than a thousand people within 1 year, with the compulsory trainings, carried out by our 30 volunteer trainers, in digital classroom settings.
With the content of the training and workshop prepared within the scope of our Aydem Equal Life approach for our Talent Management and Human Resources Managers; gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness are conveyed during the interview process trainings. All of our leaders and managers attend workshops on unconscious bias, diversity, inclusion and equality.
Language Equality Dictionary
In order to change the sexist discourses in our language that we are not even aware of, and to stand against the sexist discourses, which is one of the biggest obstacles to gender equality; we have put into practice our "Language Equality Dictionary" by placing the genderless, stereotype-free equivalents thereof besides such words.
All the discriminatory sexist stereotypes shall now on be included under the list of "blocked words/statements" in our e-mail correspondences and office programs as part of our company policy, and any sexist discourse shall be automatically corrected by the system.
Please click here to view the Language Equality Dictionary.
Combating Domestic Violence
Participating in the "Business World Against Domestic Violence" program conducted by Sabancı University in cooperation with SU Gender and TÜSİAD (Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association), we have issued our procedure titled "Aydem Energy Combating Domestic Violence". Within the scope of the support program, we have established legal and psychological counseling lines where our employees can consult 24/7. Please click here to view our Procedure.
In this sensitive process, in order to establish correct communication, to address our employees who are exposed to violence accordingly and to define violence, we have organized trainings together with Sabancı University on defining violence, for all the human resources team and for the managers.
Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)
In 2021, we have been entitled to be among the signatories of the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) with Aydem Energy and our group companies. With the letter personally signed by our CEO İdris Küpeli, we have committed to act to strengthen the presence of women in every field and level of life, and to adhere to the Women's Empowerment Principle (WEPs). Our Company Profile.
Target Gender Equality
With our Aydem Equal Life initiative members, we are also participating in the new term of the Target Gender Equality program, which is being implemented by the UN Global Compact for the third time, in order to increase the representation and leadership of women in the business world. The Program, which is carried out simultaneously in 52 countries, shall continue until March 2023 and studies shall be conducted to set forth targets that will increase the number of women in senior (top) management and to achieve these targets.
We are a corporate member of the Us Again Association (?), which has been established to facilitate the return to work of female professionals who have left the business world for various reasons.